As you’ve surely noticed, we are starting 2015 with a fresh look and some new content—we’re rolling out a few new series of articles and digging down into the art of plein air to bring our readers the information they want and need. What’s on deck?
There will still be much that is familiar in PleinAir Today. We’ll report on key plein air events and competitions, inform our readers of great opportunities to paint and to win prizes, and investigate the working process of successful artists. There will be instructional material, examinations of the ideas and motivations behind paintings, some looks back at what worked for past masters, and a few offbeat stories that remind us that plein air artists are a lively bunch who regularly improvise in their outings, equipment, approaches, and appearance.

We pick the brains of admired painters such as C.W. Mundy, a fearless experimenter, in upcoming articles.

Our editorial team, led by Steve Doherty, loves to paint as much as we love to write.
Many of the changes were made after we examined data from our website,, which told us which articles were the most popular among readers, which pieces held people’s interest the longest, and what content seemed to prove most useful to you.

Painting at dawn, painting in 0 degrees, painting on the side of a mountain — we report on all the pleasures and perils of plein air painting.

We try to track the pulse for what our readers are doing, but we could always use more dialogue. If there is information you would like to see in PleinAir Today, please let us know. One of the most effective ways to tell us what you like, what you don’t like, and what you’d like to see is to visit PleinAir magazine’s Facebook page and post a comment. We look forward to hearing from you.


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