PleinAir Salon -
1st Place Overall: $1,000 Prize "Community Garden New Years Day" by Bethann Moran-Handzlik

Michele Marceau Ward of Principle Gallery has revealed her selections for the winners in the PleinAir Salon bi-monthly art competition.

Congratulations to the winners of the June/July 2019 PleinAir Salon! The 1st Place Overall winner is shown above; keep scrolling to see more winners and learn how to enter your best paintings and drawings today!

Art competitions - Diego Glazer
2nd Place Overall
“Camino a Thame” by Diego Glazer
Landscape paintings - Thomas Kegler
3rd Place Overall
“Song of the Whippoorwill, Proverbs 3:17-18” by Thomas Kegler
PleinAir Salon - Christine Lashley -
Best Plein Air
“Twilight, Libby Hill” by Christine Lashley

View the rest of the PleinAir Salon winners at
Note: Judges are not provided with contestant names.

The August-September PleinAir Salon, judged by Kathryn Mapes Turner, owner of Turner Fine Art, has begun. But hurry, this competition ends soon. Enter your best art in the PleinAir Salon here.

First place will receive a cash prize, plus all winners will be entered into the judging for the annual cash prizes, including the $15,000 grand prize for the best painting of the year. The annual winners will be announced on stage at the next Plein Air Convention in Denver on May 2, 2020.

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