Plein Air Podcast with Eric Rhoads - Gay Faulkenberry
“Heirloom Pumpkins” by Gay Faulkenberry, featured in PleinAir Podcast Episode 99

In this week’s PleinAir Podcast, Eric Rhoads interviews Oklahoma artist Gay Faulkenberry, who is a Signature Member of the Plein Air Painters of America (PAPA). In this educational conversation, Faulkenberry tells us how joining PAPA was a way of investing in her future and why it was a “turning point” in her career. She also explains why drawing skills are “paramount” to being a skilled plein air painter, the importance of planning your palette and keeping your colors in the same place for color mixing, and much more!

About this week’s featured artist: Gay Faulkenberry has been a force on the American art scene for more than two decades. Known for her impressionistic approach to color and light, she is renowned for plein air paintings of urban and rural landscapes and for studio paintings of intimate still lifes, florals, and interiors. Faulkenberry’s work has been featured in leading art publications, and she is frequently asked to jury art shows. Her work is represented in corporate, private, and museum collections across the country. A Signature Member of the prestigious Plein Air Painters of America since 1996, she served as PAPA president and spokesperson in 2008-2009. She is a Master Member of American Women Artists.

Listen to this PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads and Gay Faulkenberry:

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