plein air painting - dog friendly beach

We love to hear from the Plein Air Today community! The following is part of a series that spotlights an artist who loves painting outdoors. Today’s feature is on Tony Polyck.

“I started plein air painting this past summer on the beaches of English Bay, across from downtown Vancouver Canada,” said Tony Polyck. “I had never been in this area, so I scouted out a few locations and selected one that looked quite isolated on one warm, sunny day.

“I took out my plein air watercolor kit and sat on a big, convenient, flat rock just off a shore trail and started painting, enjoying the soft ocean breeze. I was completely absorbed in sketching and painting until random dogs started zipping by me, and very close. I found it a bit annoying but kept on painting until one young wet Lab came over to me and started shaking…spraying me and my painting with salt water. I yelled at the dog to go away and he took off with another pack of dogs.

“A lady then yelled at me to leave the dogs alone as they were having fun, and I retorted that she should control her dogs. Later, I found out my lovely painting spot was on the access to a dog-friendly part of the beach, where many owners would come daily to walk the dogs to the water!”

One of Tony Polyck's plein air paintings from the dog-friendly beach
One of Tony Polyck’s plein air paintings from the dog-friendly beach

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