The Outdoor Painters Society picked 202 paintings by 82 artists to show in their annual salon, which hangs in Southwest Gallery in Dallas. Who took home awards?
Jason Sacran was the big winner at the Plein Air Southwest Salon. The Arkansas painter won Best in Show, worth $5,000, and the Editor’s Award from Southwest Art magazine, which is a full-page ad in that publication. His winning piece is titled “Between.” Sacran also won the Artists’ Choice award at the Quick Draw competition. His piece from that event earned him another $1,500.
“To Be Resurrected,” by John Cook. PleinAir Magazine Award of Excellence
PleinAir magazine awarded two Awards of Excellence in the salon: John Cook received a half-page ad in PleinAir for “To Be Resurrected,” and Stuart Fullerton won a quarter-page ad in PleinAir for “Nocturne–Monterey.” John Lasater won an Award of Excellence for “County Barn” that earned him a half-page ad in Western Art Collector. The last Award of Excellence went to Ned Mueller for “Nash’s Farm”; he received a $750 prize from Fine Art Studio Online.
“Nocturne–Monterey,” by Stuart Fullerton. PleinAir Magazine Award of Excellence
“County Barn,” by John Lasater. Award of Excellence
Awards of Merit went to Nancy Boren, Bill Gallen, Randy Saffle, Spencer Meagher, Rusty Jones, and Ann Larson.
Kaye Franklin, Rosie Sandifer, Mark Farina, Carol Swinney, Diane Frossard, Cecilia Robertson, John Pototschnik, Susan Lynn, Iryna Milton, and Debob Jacob all earned Honorable Mention awards.
“Nash’s Farm,” by Ned Mueller. Award of Excellence
The exhibition will be on view until early May. Phil Starke served as judge for the event.