
Lorraine Dawson with the painting that won the PleinAir Magazine Award: “Citrus Groves,” 8 x 16 in. For more information, visit http://lorrainedawson.blogspot.com.

As a way of supporting the community of plein air artists, we highlight the activities of national, regional, and local organizations. On March 2, we presented Lorraine Dawson with the PleinAir Magazine Award during the exhibition of work by members of the Plein Air Artists of Riverside, California, at the Riverside Art Museum.

Members of Plein Air Artists of Riverside during a recent paint-out

The Plein Air Artists of Riverside is an artist group associated with the Riverside Art Museum in Riverside, California. Members join together to support each other in the quest to paint outdoors, capture nature’s moods, improve paintings, and have fun along the way. The monthly paint-outs provide an opportunity to enjoy the glorious Southern California landscape, and the group’s quarterly meetings are the perfect opportunity to get to know other artists interested in outdoor painting, to enjoy demonstrations, win prizes, and have fun. An annual paint-out culminates in an exhibition at the Riverside Art Museum. For more information, visit www.pleinairartistsofriverside.com.


  1. Wow! wish I could’ve been there. Thanks for Michael for taking all the photos. Love it that John D. Cogan paints in acrylics too.

  2. Thanks for the great article in Plein Air! The 2011 Grand Canyon Celebration of Art was truly a spectacular event, and also quite challenging for the artists this year, as you can sort of glean from the photos.
    It rained 2 inches in the 6 days of the event (unheard of for September at the Rim), and painting conditions were extremely difficult, even sometimes hazardous. Artists were trying to time painting sessions between the fronts rolling through, painting under any shelter they could find, including their tailgates. Lightning struck within 40 feet of me, as I was painting at the rim, standing next to my METAL tripod, with METAL umbrella sticking up. Scared me real good that did!
    But we all worked hard and came up with some really great paintings. Adversity was indeed the mother of invention in this case!

  3. I second Lawrence Chrapliwy’s request to have photos of the winning paintings in the article or a follow-up article. It’s frustrating to know who won and not see the paintings with the sizes.

  4. We are working on the adding the winning paintings to the GCA website. Just waiting for some of the images to come from the artists. Stay tuned…Helen @ GCA

  5. I post the images I receive and often the participating artists and/or event organizers don’t send photos of the paintings and their photographs of the participants only show faces. If you attend an event, please help us all by sending photos of the artists and their paintings. Thanks, [email protected]


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