Barbara Tapp with the gentleman who bought her plein air watercolor painting on site
Barbara Tapp with the gentleman who bought her plein air watercolor painting on site

Plein Painting and Its Unexpected Outcomes

By Barbara Tapp

I was plein air painting in a neighborhood when a man drove up, leaned out of the window of his large truck, and said, “That’s my house you’re painting!”

watercolor plein air
Donald, holding up the first version of Barbara’s plein air watercolor painting

He introduced himself as Donald. I was only halfway finished, so I told him to come back in an hour. When he returned, he offered me two hundred dollars to buy it as a gift for his wife. I accepted and when Donald returned with the cash he also gave me three books he’d written – a lovely gift.

I must admit the pressure was on to do a worthy painting and complete it within the hour for a potential sale. I took a photo of him holding the finished painting as a memento (shown at top).

The plein air watercolor painting, with the house / subject in the background
The plein air watercolor painting, with the house / subject in the background

When I got home, however, I looked at the photo and noticed an obvious smiley face on an adjacent building. What a dilemma! Should I call him and mention the error or let it go? I chose the latter and took that grin as a sign of approval that the painting was going to the right owner.

One never knows what extra unexpected things can happen when painting outdoors.

Editor’s Note: The following is part of a series featuring a leader in the art community who will be joining us on the faculty of Watercolor Live, a virtual art conference taking place January 24-26, 2024. If you can’t join us then, check out the five-star rated Barbara Tapp Watercolor Method workshop, available now at!


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