
– Bob Bahr reporting, Editor PleinAir Today –

Amy DiGi loves a challenge and loves to try something new. Sometimes, she will double or even triple up on the challenges. Consider her latest venture: painting a self-portrait en plein air, while pregnant.

Lead Image: Amy DiGi’s setup for an outdoor self-portrait

“I don’t usually do self-portraits, let alone in a bikini,” says DiGi. “But I’m doing a self-portrait series of my ever changing body — this Sunday, I will be four months pregnant. I keep my hands out of the painting because my doctor said I have to wear gloves, which I I do anyway.”

“Under a Tree,” by Amy DiGi, 2016, oil, 30 x 24 in.
“Under a Tree,” by Amy DiGi, 2016, oil, 30 x 24 in.
“Self-Portrait I,” by Amy DiGi, 2016, oil, 30 x 20 in.
“Self-Portrait I,” by Amy DiGi, 2016, oil, 30 x 20 in.

DiGi says this is a six-month project. “I have completed two so far, the first being indoors because I was super nervous,” she says. “It is important to me to expose my belly. In this second one, I was braver and painted outside, and I hope to continue to do so while the weather is still warm.”

Read more about DiGi here.


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