
In this episode of the PleinAir Podcast, Publisher Eric Rhoads has the pleasure of talking with artist Mary Deloyht-Arendt, a founding member of the Plein Air Painters of America (PAPA) organization.  At 90 years old, Deloyht-Arendt has a lifetime of knowledge regarding the plein air movement, helpful techniques, marketing, and so much more.  You can’t miss this significant episode! 

Mary Deloyht-Arendt, “Inner Courtyard,” watercolor
Mary Deloyht-Arendt, “Carriage House,” watercolor

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  1. This is a wonderfully insightful podcast, Mr. Rhoads. I find it so sad to report that Mary passed away the evening of October 5, 2020. This podcast will be a long-lasting tribute to her passion for plein air painting. Thank you.

  2. I’m sorry to hear that! I have a painting of hers hanging in my dining room. I spoke with her to get the background. She was very gracious!


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