Lily Lake
12 x 16 in.
Available for purchase through Artist
A Passion for Watercolor Painting!
Kathleen is an award-winning artist with a passion for watercolor painting! Painting in the studio as well as Plein Air (outdoors on location), she immerses herself in the fluid and unpredictable qualities of watercolor paint to capture the brilliant light and colors of nature. Kathleen paints in a realistic painterly style, bringing the effect of changing light and color that describes the atmosphere, context, and shape of the scene to the paper.
Kathleen spends many days in the Colorado mountains and towns plein air painting the town, lakes distant views and the wildlife. Hiking in Rocky Mountain National park there are many spectacular scenes and this painting is created from one such unique view. The high-altitude lake is covered with waterlilies in late summer displaying beautiful strong colors and organic shapes. Along with the changing weather, light and atmosphere of the scene, Kathleen finds this subject perfect combination to paint.
Kathleen grew up in both Montreal and California, and for over 27 years has enjoyed painting the endless subjects that living in Boulder, Colorado, offers. Kathleen was formally trained at the Art Institute of Boston and at the Massachusetts College of Art, graduating from both schools with a BFA.
Gallery Representation
Mary Williams Fine Art, Boulder, Colorado
Creative Framing and Art Gallery, Louisville, Colorado
Upcoming Exhibits
Colorado Watercolor Society June/July 2020, Foothills Art Center, Golden, CO
Governor’s Art Show September 2020, Loveland Art Museum, Loveland, CO
View more of Kathleen’s work online.
Connect with her at 303.898.3734 or through email [email protected].
Find her on Facebook and Instagram.