pastel painting of grass overfilling the canvas with a narrow river flowing through, curving the edge of river bend
Lamya Deeb, “Tranquility,” plein air, Art Spectrum pastel paper, 8 x 8 in. Available through Pastel Society of Colorado’s Member’s Show (303) 772-7293

Lamya Deeb: The lowly irrigation ditch is a subject I often revisit. Along with the compositional possibilities they offer, they give me a sense of peace in the slow, meandering way they move through the landscape.

Now thorough October 7 at the Pastel Society of Colorado’s Member’s Show, The Great FrameUp, Longmont, CO. The piece received an Honorable Mention Award.

To see more of Lamya’s work and upcoming shows visit:
Instagram: lamyadeebartist
facebook: lamya.deeb
Mary Williams Fine Arts, Boulder, CO.
Osmosis Art Gallery, Niwot, CO.

oil painting of pale blue sky during winter, with evergreen tree on left midground and dead grass in the foreground
Lamya Deeb, “More on the Way,” oil on linen/panel, 9 x 12 in. Available through Plein Air Artists Colorado Annual National Juried Exhibition, Mary Williams Fine Arts, Boulder, CO, November 10-December 31, 2022
oil painting of impressionist style of river bend flowing through foreground and mid-ground with grass and trees in the background
Lamya Deeb, “September’s Patina,” oil on linen/panel, 10 x 10 in