New places and experiences thrill the senses and spark inspiration. Here, five intrepid artists share the scenes that called to them during recent travels. From unexpected views of iconic landmarks to revealing looks at unfamiliar terrain, they take us along for the ride.

“A couple of years ago, Jeff Horn and I visited Catalina Island to paint the interior,” says Rick Delanty. “The Island Conservancy generously extended the use of a van for us to drive the length of the island. We painted at Shark Harbor, White’s Landing, and above the beautiful town of Avalon. The subject of this painting is the picturesque casino that houses a movie theater and ballroom, painted from a knoll above the front entrance. The Moorish architectural details and the pure complementaries of orange and blue attracted me to this sparkling scene.”

“I travel a lot, mostly along coastal back roads that wander down to the water,” says Donna Lee Nyzio. “I am a studio painter dipping into plein air more and more often — to the point that I now carry a painting kit with me. In some places, I cannot drive to the end of the road, I have to hoof it, never knowing what gem might await. For this painting, getting almost to the end of the road was enough for me — good thing I had my boots!”