PleinAir Salon - Seth Tummins, "Beauty Mark," oil, 14 x 22 in.
Seth Tummins, "Beauty Mark," oil, 14 x 22 in.

Congratulations to Seth Tummins, whose “Beauty Mark” won third place in the April 2022 PleinAir Salon​!

“A small 8 x 12 sketch was made from a photograph taken somewhere between Sheridan and Ucross,” Tummins said. “Having confidence in my reference really helped me get over the fact that I couldn’t make a sketch on site, so I followed my original framing closely. Sky or not? Angle lines more or not? Exaggerate anything? Loose or not?

“I did not work out every issue with my 8 x 12 sketch, so I experimented along the way on the larger effort.

​”It’s just paint. Nothing is precious. I added and removed elements to support the little shadow – angle more towards it, darken it, lighten something near it, connect it to other elements with color, etc.”

First place of the PleinAir Salon​ receive a cash prize, plus all monthly winners will be entered into the judging for the annual cash prizes, including the $15,000 grand prize for the best painting of the year, and they’ll see their painting on the cover of PleinAir Magazine. Could you be the next winner?


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