We’re only a short while away from the incredible Publisher’s Invitational art retreat in the Adirondack Mountains, so if you plan on being there, now’s the time to start making plans.
If you’re on the fence about coming, here are just a few great reasons to join us:
- Paint all day, every day, without any distractions. You’ll be surprised at how much art you’ll create. You can complete two, three, or even four paintings a day! By the end of the week, you’ll see a significant improvement in the quality of your work.
- We never run out of things to paint in the Adirondacks. From gorgeous waterfalls to spectacular mountains, the scenery is endless. Plus, we’ve identified the exact spots where many Hudson River School painters created their masterpieces. You’ll be standing on the shoulders of giants, painting in the very same locations!
- One of the best parts is the deep friendships you’ll make. When you paint together all day, you get to know people very quickly. These friendships often become lifelong bonds, and it’s something that keeps people coming back year after year.
- We take care of everything for you — no cooking, no cleaning, no doing dishes. You just roll out of bed, and your breakfast and dinner are there for you. All you have to do is paint and enjoy the company of fellow artists.
Another reason to join us today? There are only a few spots left as of now, which means there will be fewer spots left by the end of today. We WILL sell out. It’s just a matter of when.
The event is June 8-15, 2024.
I hope you’ll consider coming … it’s the experience of a lifetime. You can sign up now by clicking here.

P.S. Here are some other reasons you should come, from past attendees…
“I still can’t believe it! A month ago I was packing the car and getting ready for our adventure to plein air paint ADK! Almost daily, Tim and I talk about some aspect of our trip/experience. To say it was amazing and life-changing for the two of us is so much the truth. I applaud you and your team for a job well done. I believe one of the best takeaways for myself was the place of belonging. Never in my life have I ever felt so welcome by anyone I knew but my wonderful husband. I learned so much about myself, my ability, my relationship, and calm. With the last thing being the big aha moment. I was a transformed version of me that I’d lost sight of. And almost in the belief that I would never know this side of me ever again. Saying thank you seems not enough, BUT Thank You with a full, grateful heart.” — Eileen Lively
“What could be better than painting out in the fresh air in a place of great natural beauty with the coolest group of people you’re ever likely to meet? Paint camp! I fell asleep while thinking of mixing greens and dreamed of painting all night.” — Jacqueline L. Bellows
“The Adirondack Mountains have some of the most beautiful scenes in the United States. With a vertical rise in some areas of 5,000+ feet, these mountains are older than the Tetons. Also, there is more underground water in the Northeast than anyplace else in the world. This is evident in the many lakes, ponds, waterfalls, streams, and rivers in the Adirondack Park.” — Marianne Valenti