The 7th annual “Plein Air for the Park” reached near-record sales last month, with 80 paintings sold. The collaboration between the Rocky Mountain Plein Air Painters (RMPAP) and the Grand Teton Association, which benefits from a percentage of all painting sales, drew crowds during the five-day show.

“Every artist’s interpretation of this beautiful landscape is so interesting and amazing, and that’s why this is such a popular show to attend,” says Jake Gaedtke, RMPAP president. “It’s a national event because it contributes to one of our national parks, and that benefits everyone.”
The RMPAP is partnered with the Grand Teton Association in organizing “Plein Air for the Park.” Preparations run year-long. Bridget Bottomley, event coordinator for the GTA, helps with the planning and marketing. Numerous other staff members contribute to the joint efforts that make the show a success.

In addition to the show, a quick draw was held Saturday morning, July 21, at Menor’s Ferry, and a “Morning With the Masters Program,” comprised of RMPAP artists and sponsored by the Jackson Art Association, brought together over a dozen young artists ranging in age from 8 to 14 to learn plein air painting techniques and insights.
Show awards were judged by renowned landscape painter Josh Elliott.
Winners were:
Best of Show – Best Painting: Wes Newton
Best of Show – Best Body of Work: Jennifer Hoffman
Superintendent’s Choice Award: Kim Casebeer
GTA Directors Award – Lamya Deeb
Greg McHuron Memorial Award: Jim Wodark
Bob Lord Memorial Award: Kathryn Mapes Turner
Award of Excellence: Peggy Immel
Award of Excellence: John Hughes
Michael Harding Oil Colors Award of Excellence: Bart Walker
Honorable Mention: Susan McCullough
Honorable Mention: Beverly Boren

The event began July 9, with 38 nationally recognized RMPAP members and guest artists painting on location in Grand Teton National Park and the surrounding Jackson Hole area. The gala opening was held the evening of July 18 at the Craig Thomas Visitor Center, with works displayed through July 22.
The Rocky Mountain Plein Air Painters was established in 2001. It is a fellowship of professional artists living throughout the United States who work primarily in the plein air tradition. Their work contributes to the collective enrichment of artists, art enthusiasts, and the general public.