

Last week we asked for opinions about three potential covers for the January 2013 issue by posting the designs in the PleinAir Today e-newsletter, on our website (www.outdoorpainter.com), and on our Facebook community page (http://www.facebook.com/pleinairmagazine). Find out which painting got the most positive comments.

“Silver Morning” (detail), by M.W. “Skip” Whitcomb, 2011, pastel, 24 x 18 in. Private collection. Plein Air.

After criticisms of recent covers of PleinAir magazine, we decided to invite subscribers and Facebook friends to help pick the cover of the January 2013 issue. Our art director mocked up three covers featuring paintings by artists who will be featured in the issue, and then we invited comments.

“Volcanic Artifacts,” by Skip Whitcomb, 2006, oil, 8 x 10 in. Collection the artist. Plein Air.

“Silver Morning,” a 24″ x 18″ plein air pastel painting by Colorado artist M. W. “Skip” Whitcomb, was the clear favorite because of the quality of the piece and the appropriateness for the season. A detail of the painting will be reproduced on the cover and the full image will be shown in the article about Whitcomb titled “M.W. ‘Skip’ Whitcomb: A Lifetime to Understand and Paint Nature.” The story will explain how Whitcomb has been an inspiration to generations of plein air painters and how he encourages his students to consider seriously what it means to be a painter of life. The January 2013 issue will be mailed to subscribers and will be available in book stores in December, 2012. For more information, visit www.outdoorpainter.com.


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