Ray Day painters 2024

While “Ray Day” began years before he passed away in 2006, Ray Strong’s friends continue a tradition of painting from East Camino Cielo in California on his birthday, January 3.

Fellow painter Arturo Tello tells us that one particularly memorable year, a beautiful belly dancer performed for Ray and the group. “She was in her full costume,” Arturo recalls, “with veils and bracelets, and a large scimitar that she balanced over her head as she danced.” Arturo said that on this infrequently travelled road, some motorists drove by in confusion as they passed not only a group of plein air painters, but also the belly dancer.

Ray Day is organized by The Oak Group, which was first inspired by conversations between Arturo and Ray (1905-2006) back in December, 1985, after they read “Depths of Glory,” a historical novel about Pissarro and his painting comrades. The two friends said, “Why couldn’t we have such a group?” “Well, why not!” That was the start. Using the example of the Canadian Group of Seven, the O.A.K. Group began with seven members, with O.A.K. standing for “Open Airing Club.”

Connect with The Oak Group at www.oakgroup.org.


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