Kathleen Lanzoni plein air painting in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Photo credit: Helene Barnes

How do you find inspiration?
Kathleen Lanzoni: Finding inspiration can come unexpectedly on a walk to the store or sometimes we need to search for a new idea. Inspiration is different for each creative soul. Many times, I have gone to a painting location with a friend, and we end up facing different directions, inspired by two different views.

When I hit upon a subject or technique that excites me, I will create several pieces of artwork based around this same theme. We all have times when we wonder what to paint next! The important step is to keep painting. Play with new concepts and play with your paint! When looking for a painting idea, I have a variety of ways to cure being “stuck”. On my laptop, is a large file of reference photos to search through. I look at exhibits, books, farmers markets and even travel to a new location. My themes vary from mountain lakes, people, farmland, floral to street scenes. Explore and don’t limit yourself to a specific subject matter.

What is the best thing about being an artist?
Kathleen Lanzoni: To be an artist, whether an amateur or professional, is a blessing. I enjoy all the various parts of an artist’s life. Painting, organizing, teaching, framing, learning and even business; the varied jobs use all our skills.
In my career I have met some of the most interesting and generous people. Fellow artists, students, educators, gallery employees, and people who allow me to paint on their property, all make up my coworkers.

Painting and being creative never ends! Being an artist was never really a choice for me but rather a natural calling. As a professional artist I am always learning new techniques, historical concepts and making personal growth. Being an artist allows me to continue learning, enjoy a variety of friendships, and stay inspired.

To see more of Kathleen’s work, visit:

watercolor painting of a group of buffalo standing and looking at the viewer
Kathleen Lanzoni, “To Be Reckoned With,” watercolor, 14 x 22 in., 2022. The intense stare of the Bison was griping!
watercolor painting of a sun shining through clouds; water scene
Kathleen Lanzoni, “Radiance,” watercolor, 22 x 30 in., 2019. The most incredible colors were displayed this warm summer night


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