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Artist Profiles

Learn about what projects your fellow plein artists are up to, see online galleries of their landscape paintings, and more in these profiles!

Karen Margulis, “Desert Oasis,” Pastel on paper, 11 x 14 in.; Karen is represented by several galleries and is a Member of Excellence in the Southeastern Pastel Society and a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America.

Art for the Sake of Wildflowers

On painting with pastels > “I love to paint flowers simply because I love flowers,” declared the artist Karen Margulis in her disarming simplicity.

Artist Spotlight: Kami Mendlik

How did you develop your unique style? Kami Mendlik: I believe that our style is something we are born with and comes to the surface...
Anthony M. Cairo painting en plein air

A Plein Air Artist to Watch: Anthony M. Cairo

Be inspired by this spotlight on the up-and-coming plein air painter Anthony M. Cairo, who shares his Aha moment, and much more. 
artist posing with her painting out in field

Artist Spotlight: Cindy Harris

Cindy Harris: For many years I have found inspiration by traveling with other artists to amazing locations. This gives me focused time away from...

Artist Spotlight: Thomas De Somer

How did you get started and develop your career? Thomas De Somer: My journey began at the American Academy of Art where I was influenced...
artist posing with her paintings at gallery

Artist Spotlight: Carol Strock Wasson

Carol Strock Wasson: My style developed over many years of exploring and experimentation. Through asking “what if” and using different tools and techniques, I...
Jessie with “Space”, oil, 24x60 in, in the public collection of the Edith Sanford Breast Center

Artist Spotlight: Jessie Rasche

How did you develop your unique style? Jessie Rasche: I’m teaching a workshop right now on how to find and develop your authentic artistic voice,...
canid photo of artist talking

Artist Spotlight: Charlie Hunter

How Do You Describe Success? Charlie Hunter: One of my favorite songwriters is Fred Eaglesmith. When he was a kid, he says all he wanted...
Plein air painting - Tom Colcord

How Hip Hop Inspires My Plein Air Painting

San Francisco-based plein air painter Tom Colcord approaches his work with a unique mindset. When asked what he means by “the flow,” he references ...
Plein air art history - Alexandre Calame

Plein Air Heritage: A Swiss Landscape

In this piece, Calame eschews the scenes of snow-capped peaks that dominate his oeuvre in favor of a quieter view of the landscape. Rather than forbidding and awe-inspiring, the effect is ...
Plein air art history - Abbott Handerson Thayer, "Mount Monadnock," 1911/1914, oil on canvas, 22 3/16 x 24 3/16 in., National Gallery of Art, Corcoran Collection (Museum Purchase, Anna E. Clark Fund)

Plein Air Landscapes as a Form of Portraiture

Aiming to stay true to nature, Abbott Handerson Thayer painted scenes en plein air, most often finding inspiration in views of Mount Monadnock, which overlooked his studio.

Artist Spotlight: Cecy Turner

What is the best thing about being an artist? Cecy Turner: One of the best things about being an artist is that you begin to...
artist Chris Rapa with her work

Artist Spotlight: Chris Rapa

How did you get started and then develop your career? Chris Rapa: My parents set me loose on a basement wall with brushes and cans...
photo of artist taking selfie with painting

Artist Spotlight: Justin Vining

How do you find inspiration? Justin Vining: I have lived as a full-time painter for nearly 13 years. Initially a studio painter, I transitioned to...
Hector Acuna artist painting on location

This Helped My Art Journey

A special spotlight on someone from the plein air painting community you may not know yet: Hector Arcuna on his Aha moment, and more.
Kimball Geisler, “Winter Derelicts,” Oil, 45 x 50 in.

Plein Air Painting as a Game of Chess

On plein air painting > Kimball Geisler discovered a love for nature and the plein air life in countless intriguing natural landscapes.
Plein Air Art history - mural study

Plein Air Heritage: Art for the Common People

Born on a farm near Dunavant, Kansas, John Steuart Curry (1897–1946) believed that art should appeal to ...
artist posing with collectors, while holding one of her paintings

Artist Spotlight: Anne Blair Brown

How did you develop your unique style? Anne Blair Brown: The first step to developing my style was to learn the fundamentals of painting. For...
artist Jennifer reifenberg out in the field, and below, image of "power of gray"

Artist Spotlight: Jennifer Riefenberg

How do you find inspiration? Jennifer Riefenberg: It is with an intimate understanding and a closer-in vantage that artist, Jennifer Riefenberg, seeks in portraying the...
Plein air painting, Erin Spencer

My Greatest Teacher

A special spotlight on someone from the plein air painting community you may not know yet: Erin Spencer on her Aha moment, and more.