Photo of myself painting Mt Washington “en plein air” in the winter. Standing on a bath matt helps keeps my feet warm
Photo of myself painting Mt Washington “en plein air” in the winter. Standing on a bath matt helps keeps my feet warm

How did you get started and then develop your career?
Melanie Levitt: I started painting at a young and painted all my life but went to art school for graphic design. My painting career really took off during the covid epidemic when I started painting full time.

What is the most interesting thing that you have painted?
Melanie Levitt: The most interesting thing I have painted are sunsets on Monhegan Island in Maine. I am surrounded by seagulls, salt water, and the ever-changing colors in the sky. It is magical.

To see more of Melanie’s work, visit:

oil painting of winter scene with sun hitting trees and snow
Melanie Levitt, “Winter’s Warmth”, oil on panel, 12 x 16 in., 2022. Mt Washington and birch trees painted outside on location with a palette knife
oil painting of fall colors amongst trees
Melanie Levitt, “Symphony of Color,” oil on panel, 12 x 16 in., 2023. Capturing fall color outside on location using a palette knife


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