Sandhya painting an old defunct Cassino in Constanta, Romania, 2018

How did you get started and then develop your career?
Sandhya Sharma: I had always drawn and painted as a child. Summer vacations were spent training at Bharati Kala Mandir, Ujjain, and later at Russian Cultural Center, Tunis. When I decided to become full time artist, I had already got my diplomas in drawing, painting, and portraiture and was teaching classes in my Studio. Coming to Washington DC in 2017, I could consistently participate in regional and national plein air events and was recognized with awards. I also participated in Juried Group Shows. It helped that I had trained in Tuscany for ‘plein air painting’ and attended summer workshops at the Florence Art Academy, Sweden. I still train with my teachers as often as possible. Over the years I have built a large body of works. This June I have a Solo Show going on at the Highlandtown Gallery in Baltimore.

What is the most interesting thing you have painted/sculpted and why?
Sandhya Sharma: I think my most interesting works are portraits done in West Africa and plein air paintings done in the US. There is a confluence of images emerging from daily observations and recollections that guide me in painting. I like it best to record strength and dignity of workers and the pure, untarnished beauty of Nature that helps me celebrate each day with gratitude.

To see more of Sandhya’s work, visit:


oil painting of sunset behind boats resting in the dock
Sandhya Sharma, “Evening in Portofino, Italy”, Oil on Linen, 20x 24 in. Is painted from a plein air study, 2023
oil painting of old woman looking off from the viewer, smoking
Sandhya Sharma, “The Street Dweller,” Oil on Linen, 12 x 10 in. Painted from sketch done near Notre Dame, Paris, 2020


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