San Luis Outdoor Painters for the Environment
Dan Jones, "Coon Creek Beach," 8 x 10 in., Oil

The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County in California and SLOPE (San Luis Outdoor Painters for the Environment) are presenting “Colors of Conservation” Summer 2023, an annual exhibit of original landscape paintings of precious open spaces, historic ranch lands, waterways, and coastal areas.

The exhibit is August 25-26 at the Octagon Barn Center, where original paintings and prints will be available for sale (there will be a painting demonstration on Saturday). A portion of the art sales will benefit The Land Conservancy.

Participating SLOPE artists are Dennis Curry, Jan French, Hilda Freyre, Dotty Hawthorne, Sandi Heller, Daniel Jones, Joe McFadden, Laurel Sherrie, and Jim Tyler. Emeritus artists include Anne Laddon and Denise Schryver.

Joe McFadden, "Mom and Her Twins," 11 x 14 in., Oil on Linen
Joe McFadden, “Mom and Her Twins,” 11 x 14 in., Oil on Linen

Learn more about SLOPE:
Learn more about The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County:

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