Kathy Anderson, "Hydrangeas with Zinniams and Dahlias," (16 x 24) "I painted this in my studio, with all the zinnias, dahlias, and hydrangeas coming from my late summer garden," Kathy said. "Notice how the light values are creating a path, a sort of 'snake' to keep you moving. I'm also very conscious of using the leaves to add to the design."

“My passion for painting is rooted in my garden.” Learn how to paint from Kathy Anderson at Realism Live, a virtual event you won’t want to miss!

Coming Soon: Kathy Anderson Teaches How to Paint a Garden

“For me, plein air painting means painting from life,” says Connecticut artist Kathy Anderson, who counts herself among the group known as the Putney Painters – artists who paint and learn from Richard Schmid in his studio/barn in Putney, Vermont. “I hate working from photographs.”

Kathy Anderson, “Asters and Fairy Trumpets,” (12 x 18), plein air, painted in Grant Teton National Park.
“The motif for this was the light dancing throughout,” Kathy said. “When I do paintings like this, I feel free to change the placement of the leaves and flowers to create a strong design.”

Still, come winter, Anderson stays in the studio for the most part. She sets up still lifes, or finishes plein air paintings she began in warmer months. This doesn’t bother her – on the contrary. “I love winter,” says Anderson. “I love the rest period. It lets me rest after the summer.”Realism Live Virtual Art Conference

In her upcoming painting demonstration for Realism Live, a virtual art conference October 22-24, 2020, Kathy will show us how she will take you through the steps she takes to create a painting from her garden, and then recreate a similar one in the studio.


“I was not able to attend the Plein Air Live convention as I was away, but I have a group of friends who signed up and couldn’t stop raving about it,” Kathy said. “The main thing they loved was you can go back and watch again the things you may have missed, which for me would be invaluable!”

Realism Live faculty Realism Live faculty

Kathy’s demonstration will be on view during Realism Live. Recently, she was on Eric Rhoads’ daily Facebook Live series (watch the interview here), and she has also been featured on the PleinAir Podcast (listen below).


Kathy Anderson, “Summer Wildflowers,” (10 x 14)
“I picked these wildflowers while hiking, but when I put them together I realized I needed another larger shape to balance all the small flowers, which is why I added one peony and one iris. I chose both in white to keep the flow moving along with the smaller white roses.”
Kathy Anderson, “White Hollyhocks,” (20 x 12)
“This painting was started from life and finished in the studio. My goal for this was a quiet harmony of blues, greens, and whites, and I based it on one of my favorite paintings, ‘White Hollyhocks’ by Anna Fisher.”
Kathy Anderson, “Wildflower Garden with Poppies,” (14 x 10)
“This painting was done from life in Yorkshire at a workshop at the home of Rosemary & Co. last year. It was a mass of colors and shapes, so the challenge was to hold it together and keep your eye moving. I placed the reds strategically, with some grouped together, to lead you back to the quiet landscape in the rear.”

When springtime hits and the flowers are everywhere, we wish they would last forever.

What if you could capture your favorite flowers, flowering trees, or garden, with the emotion you feel when you see them?

What if those flowers you love so much could hang on your walls forever and remind you of spring on those cold gray gloomy winter days?

Learn how to “bring the garden indoors” with Kathy Anderson’s art video workshop (preview it and get your copy here) and sign up for your place at Realism Live now!



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