Back in January, we reported on Bill Murphy’s sprawling new project, in which he is depicting the construction of a giant Ferris wheel on Staten Island in New York City. In between his sketching sessions at the construction site, Murphy is enjoying a series of exhibitions showing his work.
Murphy was part of a prestigious group show at Syracuse University curated by Jerome Witkin, and now he is the subject of a solo show at a noted restaurant on Staten Island, the PepperJack Grill. Murphy describes it as “sort of a mini retrospective, including mostly newer but some older work as well.” It includes etchings done on location, watercolors, and drawings. “The only common thread in the work is that it needed to fit in a not-too-large wall space in the restaurant,” admits Murphy. “Many of the pictures were done on location, which is my favored method of working, though not always possible.”
“Memorial Day, South Avenue,” by Bill Murphy, 2014, watercolor, 11 x 14 in.
“Leaving the Island,” by Bill Murphy, 1977, etching, 9 x 12 in.
“Mermaid Avenue,” by Bill Murphy, 2005, etching, 8 x 11 in.
It’s on view from April 3-30. The menu for the restaurant looks decadent.