2023 Dan Guida Best of Show Award: "Domesticated" by Naomi Tiry Salgado
2023 Dan Guida Best of Show Award: "Domesticated" by Naomi Tiry Salgado

The plein air landscape painting “Domesticated” by Naomi Tiry Salgado won the Dan Guida Best of Show Award at this year’s Red Wing Arts Plein Air event.

From the gallery:

This year’s Plein Air Judge, Kathie Wheeler, had the daunting task of reviewing nearly 120 paintings. Red Wing Arts appreciates the artists who shared their talents and our community which shared its support. Congratulations to the 2023 Dan Guida Best of Show Award Winner – Naomi Tiry Salgado – well done! Hats off to all of the award-winning artists.

The artworks are now on exhibit and available for purchase at the Red Wing Arts Depot Gallery until August 20, 2023, and will soon be available for viewing and purchasing online.

For more details, please visit redwingarts.org.


Enter your best work today in the PleinAir Salon, which rewards artists with $50,000 in cash prizes and exposure of their work, with the winning painting featured on the cover of PleinAir magazine. The next deadline is soon, so visit PleinAirSalon.com now to learn more!


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