Kimberly Beck, “Adrift,” (2016 Art of the Heartland Exhibition)

Not one, not two, but three great national juried art shows and paint-outs are awaiting your submissions this summer. Details and deadlines here.

Founded and hosted by SouthWest Aritsts, Inc. and Mena Art Gallery in Mena, Arkansas, Art of the Heartland is a fantastic opportunity for any outdoor painter looking to add feathers to his or her cap. Organizers have officially put out a call for entries for two national juried shows and plein air paint-outs.

Susan Gibson, “Going Antsy for Peonies,” (2016 Art of the Heartland Exhibition)
Lee Alban, “Breakfast with Dad,” (2016 Art of the Heartland Exhibition)

Daniel Mark Cassity has been charged with the task of selecting winners for this year’s Small Works show; the deadline is July 15. Registration info can be found here. Seven awards will be given in this category, including Best in Show ($300), Arkansas Artist Award of Merit ($50), Animal Art Award ($50), Landscape Merit Award ($50), Figure Merit Award ($50), Still Life Merit Award ($50), and People’s Choice. Entries must not exceed 18 inches in any direction.

Steve McCoy, “Lakota,” (2016 Art of the Heartland Exhibition)
Jason Sacran, “Out Back,” (2016 Art of the Heartland Exhibition)

Applicants may also consider the Art of the Heartland exhibition. It’s judged by Andre Pater this year, and entries are accepted through August 15. At Art of the Heartland, Best in Show will earn one artist $4,000. Next in line will be the Bob Carver Memorial Award, worth $1,500. The VanWolf Arkansas Artist and Forbis Memorial Animal Art Awards are each valued at $1,000, and finally, three prizes of $500 each will be awarded for landscape, figurative, and still life. The People’s Choice winner will receive a certificate. More information can be found here.

To learn more, visit SouthWest Artists, Inc.


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