Painting on a Forbidden Island

Plein Air Magazine

What’s it like to paint in one of the few spots in the world the U.S. government forbids (most) of its citizens from visiting?

In the digital edition of the November 2013 issue of PleinAir magazine, Julia Ayres recounts her experience in Cuba last April. Read the first-person account through Zinio. Below is an excerpt.

“We pass through Cuban security and are surrounded by a sea of exuber
ant faces waiting for our group,” Ayres writes. “Our Cuban guide, Yoel Abreu, leads us through the crowd to board our Chinese-manufactured tour bus. Our itinerary will comply with State Department requirements within the boundaries of the still existing U.S. embargo against Cuba.

“My daughter, Gail Ayres, has a window seat on the bus and photograph
s our first impressions. As we travel toward the city, we see varied transportation. The American cars are pre-1959 and often pridefully kept in showcase condition. New cars are from other countries. There are motorcycles as well as animal drawn carts. Worn billboards tout revolutionary slogans.”

(Due to the age of this post, some images may be missing from this article)



  1. In response to the comment by Mr. Jusko, when you made the statement “High school stuff.” were you referring to your own work? If you are jealous of Lauren, I don’t blame you. I’m jealous! I wish I had her focus and drive, not to mention talent. As a teacher, one should give constructive criticism based on love and encouragement. I am excited to see Lauren’s career develop. Shame on you, Mr. Jusko.

  2. In response to the comment by Mr. Jusko, when you made the statement “High school stuff.” were you referring to your own work? If you are jealous of Lauren, I don’t blame you. I’m jealous! I wish I had her focus and drive, not to mention talent. As a teacher, one should give constructive criticism based on love and encouragement. I am excited to see Lauren’s career develop. Shame on you, Mr. Jusko.


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