The weather has cooled off a bit in Texas, and members of Oil Painters of America and other artists will be taking advantage of the change in seasons with a paint-out planned for November 7 through 9.
The wet paintings will be on display on November 10 at Greenhouse Gallery in San Antonio, and also available for viewing and purchase online.
Gladys Rodan de Moras’s painting of the cross in front of San Jose Mission
The aqueduct at Mission Espada
“San Antonio has such opportunities for artists to paint urban as well as country scenes, and we have so many talented artists in this area,” says Charlotte Cox, organizer of the San Antonio OPA paint-out. “This year San Antonio will have OPA members and non-members as well as watercolor artists painting side by side. I hope all in the area will stop by and watch our artists painting and enjoy the day. We will be painting in three primary locations — Mission San Jose, San Antonio Botanical Gardens, and Mission Espada — but artists are encouraged to paint other locations in and around San Antonio. I am excited to see the artists’ vision of all the locations and encourage all the artists to come to the reception at 3 p.m. on November 10.”
Mission Espada in San Antonio
For more information, visit OPA’s paintout page.