Painting trips -
A common scene during the Publisher's Invitational painting trips

On September 12, 1940, 18-year-old Marcel Ravidat discovered a secret portal in southern France that instantly transported him back to caveman days.

Cave Art Discovered

As he and three close friends entered what is now known as the Lascaux Cave, they were astonished to stumble upon a breathtaking display of animals, human figures, and abstract symbols on the cave walls.

Over 900 animals in total, including bison, stags, felines, birds, a bear, and even a rhinoceros were depicted.

Experts suggest they were painted by a closely bonded group of Neolithic painters who were given time by the tribe to capture the legends of past hunting glories.

Preventing Damage

Once word got out to the public, the interest in experiencing these paintings in the flesh became so intense that the heat, humidity, and carbon dioxide from eager tourists visibly damaged this rare and fragile art.

As a result, the cave was closed to the general public in 1963. Access was limited to a select group of art historians, anthropologists, and preservationists.

A Tight-Knit Group of Artists Can Accomplish Anything

The point of my story is that it never ceases to amaze me what a tight-knit group of artistic individuals can accomplish when they’re able to escape the daily grind of “hunting and gathering” and come together as a group to develop their craft.

While I can’t get you a VIP pass to Lascaux Cave (yet), I can help you find your own “tribe” of painters up in the mountains.

You are cordially invited to attend a full week of painting in the gorgeous yet rugged landscape found in the Adirondack Mountains. It’s an exclusive event I call the Publisher’s Invitational.

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Here, you’ll find your painting tribe as you all enjoy an amazing week of painting in the stunning Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York where there is:
• No pressure to produce
• No workshops to attend
• No competitions to enter
• No fierce animals to hunt (or even meals to cook!)

You simply arrive to find your tribe … and paint.

“Who wouldn’t want to have everything in life provided, and just roll out of bed and paint?” — Dorothy Gardiner

My Publisher’s Invitational paint-out is designed to create a stimulating and supportive environment where you get to:
• Roll out of bed
• Show up for breakfast that has been made for you
• Paint two or three paintings during the day in the amazing scenery
• Come back for dinner, also made for you
• Hang out together at night to talk, make music, maybe paint some portraits or do some nocturne paintings
• Make deep connections with new friends
• Build your confidence
• Be part of the plein air tribe
• Be part of something bigger where you can contribute and connect

Beginners and Experts Feel Right at Home

Best part? It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or an expert painter. In fact, there are stars and complete unknowns, and we are all equals. We’re there to relax, have fun, be challenged, and just paint.

Many pros who work the painting events come just to paint with friends. Many beginners come to learn the ropes in a safe environment where they won’t be judged.

Oh, and that thing about it being an “invitational”? It started out that way, and the name stuck, but you have my personal, open-ended invitation to attend.

I Limit Attendance to Keep It Intimate

Here’s the thing: My yearly excursion to the Adirondack Mountains is limited to 100 people, and it’s already over half filled up. I do this event personally with no help (other than my kids), and I don’t want to work that hard … plus, I want to keep it very intimate, because it makes it easier to make friends and get to know everyone.

You Deserve a Week of Doing What YOU Love

We all love our families and those we care for, but when our batteries run down, we’re not giving the best care we can offer. Imagine a week with a big smile, spending time sitting up in the dorm talking like the old days … and not having a care in the world.

No Matter How Much You Try, You Won’t Get This Done at Home

When you’re at home, you will probably get distracted with duties, projects, and the stress of things that need to get done. After all, when will you do two or more paintings a day at home? With us, you have nothing else to do … just show up, eat, paint, and spend time with your new and old friends. And you’ll have seven days of paintings to bring home to show off, and a year to smile about all the fun things you did.

A Day or Less Drive From Most of the Eastern Coast … Yet an Escape a Million Miles Away

People fly in from all over the U.S. and from as far away as Germany. It’s a five-hour drive from New York City, a six-hour drive from Boston, and a two-hour drive from Burlington, Vermont, or Montreal, Quebec. You can drive it in a day from Indianapolis, Cincinnati, or even Washington, D.C., and you can take your time to stop and paint along the way. Many people drive up from Florida and the Carolinas. Why not grab a friend, share the gas expenses, and stop to paint as you go along? Best of all, you’re on an escape a million miles away.

Like Yoga, Only Better

When I head to the Adirondacks, I’m finishing my season of stress, work, kids in school, and responsibilities. The air, the deep greens, and the water are all so soothing that I melt into relaxation mode the moment I get there. And painting is like yoga, only better. You can’t think about your problems when you’re painting all day, every day. And if you want, you can swim, canoe, fish, or just sit in a real Adirondack chair on the dock looking at the lake.

I Honestly Cannot Guarantee I’ll Ever Do This Event Again

Here’s why. Our contract with the facility expires this year. We’ve been there nine years. I may move it to another state, or just stop doing it altogether. I’ve been tied to the area because of our family home there, but that is coming to an end. If you’ve been meaning to go for years, step up now. You don’t want to miss painting with us in the Adirondacks. And if you’ve attended before and have been meaning to return, you might want to make this the year.

Loners or Social Butterflies Welcome

Some people paint alone, others paint together. Pick what turns you on the most. We have two groups each day. One group paints along the road in easy-access places (that are still amazing), and the other group may do a little light climbing or hiking. Or some go off on their own and just paint by themselves. If you don’t want to be alone, the rest of us paint side by side.

My No Drama, No Stress, Big Smile Guarantee

You and I are here to have fun. No drama is allowed. Drama is asked to leave. So far everyone has behaved for the last nine years. But if someone is high-drama, I’d rather refund their money so we keep everyone else happy and cheery. But if you come, and after the first full day, just hate it, let me know, and I’ll help you carry your bags, give you all your money back, send you on your way, and give you 50 bucks for gas. I only want happy people, and if you’re not happy, you get your money back.

But sign up soon because we’re already starting to fill up for this year. We’re over half sold out already, and you do not want to miss this event.

The event is June 8-15, 2019. It’s in Upstate New York in the Adirondack Mountains, an area that’s one of the best-kept secrets in America. It’s actually a giant state park, with protected wilderness unlike any you’ve ever seen.

Everywhere you look, there’s something gorgeous to paint and, if you so choose, someone willing to paint with you (or not) — it’s totally up to you.

That’s what the Publisher’s Invitational is all about.

You have my word that you’ll grow tremendously as a painter and forge friendships that will last a lifetime.

After all, many of us can’t carve out a full week to do nothing but paint. By attending, you get “tuned up” for the summer ahead, and you can really up your game by doing a couple of paintings a day … and you get to be among your tribe.

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It’s all-inclusive: One price includes lodging on a beautiful lake, use of canoes, breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, and glorious painting.

This event is not for you if…
• You don’t love to paint a LOT!
• You don’t love laughter and being around other people who paint
• You don’t like making new friends (or seeing old ones)

Look, let’s be honest — you need a break. You need some “ME” time where you hang with your tribe, there’s no pressure to perform, no show to attend, no competition, no workshop. No meals to cook, no dishes to wash, no cleaning, no pressures of home.

It’s just painting with new or old friends in an amazing place. And you get pretty good after painting this much for a full week. It’s an unexpected side benefit.

Sign up now, or learn more by visiting But book ASAP before this event fills up and you miss out on one seriously amazing week.

Happy painting adventures, friends,

P.S. Some people keep telling me they intend to come, but something always gets in the way. They want to be part of this amazing group and visit the spots where the great Hudson River painters painted.

P.P.S. This is not a snooty, uppity invitational at all, and you are invited! Everyone who paints is welcome, no matter what level — beginner, intermediate, or pro. It’s just about painting daily — no dishes, no cooking, no housekeeping, no showing up at work. Just painting.



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