Daniel K. Robbins, "At the Dock's End," 2021, oil, 11 x 14 in., private collection, plein air and studio
Daniel K. Robbins, "At the Dock's End," 2021, oil, 11 x 14 in., private collection, plein air and studio; featured in Plein Air Magazine (Oct/Nov 2021)

Preview the newest issue of Plein Air Magazine with Kelly Kane’s Editor’s Letter:

In this issue, we build on an annual tradition started last October-November by shining a spotlight on some of today’s most promising plein air painters. These rising stars were nominated by a selection of well-known artists, gallery owners, and event organizers — Suzie Baker, artist and president of Oil Painters of America; Jill Basham; Rosemary Swimm, LPAPA Executive Director; Carl Bretzke; Jill Carver; and Trudy Hays, Executive Director of Scottsdale Artists’ School. With an eye for talent and a desire to pay it forward, our nominating committee recommended nearly 20 artists as significant up-and-comers.

Plein Air Magazine Oct/Nov 2021
The cover of our October/November issue of Plein Air Magazine; art by Steve Browning (Click here to buy the digital version now)

The 10 we’ve identified as “Artists to Collect Now” are still on their path, but as any master will tell you, the learning process never ends for anyone serious about their craft. As Marc Anderson, one of our emerging artists, said: “When I first started plein air painting, it became apparent that if I couldn’t draw something, I couldn’t paint it. At the time I thought I was a decent draftsman, but when adding all the extra complexities of painting into the mix, I didn’t have the mental bandwidth to make it all work at once. I started keeping a sketchbook and doing quick drawings whenever I had some downtime. The more that observational drawing became muscle memory, the more I could think about things like color, value, and brushwork. Subsequently, my paintings improved.”

In service of making sure you have the tools and resources you need to improve your own work, we asked a number of accomplished artists to share their insights and expertise. In The Elements column, David Lobenberg demonstrates the six drawing skills every artist needs to master. Carole Gray-Weihman reveals her approach to color, inspired by the principles of Charles Webster Hawthorne and Henry Hensche.

Lorenzo Chavez and Rick J. Delanty reveal how they choose the right medium for a particular subject. Kathryn Mapes Turner unveils her latest series and details how personal connections to the subject and to the hospital that commissioned it inspired a unique bond to the work. And Steve Browning, Marc Grandbois, Mark Mehaffey, and Michele Usibelli introduce you to the joys and challenges of working with a medium that’s finding increased space in the plein air landscape — acrylic.

But growing as an artist comes with concerns beyond technique and inspiration. If you’re serious about selling your paintings, you need to be savvy about the business of art as well. In Artwise, Daniel Grant, author of The Business of Being an Artist, lets artists and collectors alike know how to protect themselves in the unfortunate event their gallery goes out of business.

Whether you’re a painter interested in improving your craft, a professional who wants to make sure you’re making the best decisions for your bottom line, or an art lover interested in adding new talent to your collection, it behooves you to stay in the know. I hope you find something in this issue that helps you push your paintings to the next level, or introduces you to an artist whose work would make a great addition to your walls. Put in the work to educate yourself and expand your horizons; you’re guaranteed to be rewarded.

Plein Air Magazine, October/November Table of Contents:

Plein Air Magazine contents OctNov21

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