"Dinner With Kids" by Durre Waseem, as seen in PleinAir Magazine October/November 2022, in the Plein Air Events article on Paint Grand Traverse
"Dinner With Kids" by Durre Waseem, as seen in PleinAir Magazine October/November 2022, in the Plein Air Events article on Paint Grand Traverse

Preview the newest issue of PleinAir Magazine with the Editor’s Letter:

The Ties That Bind

Sharing a passion brings people together. Plein air painters and collectors know this as well as anyone. For proof, look no further than the robust and growing number of plein air events and workshops around the country. Artists find inspiration in the landscape and in one another’s work; art lovers share their appreciation for the paintings by engaging with the artists and buying pieces to take home. There’s an exchange of a shared interest in nature and the landscape, of ideas and new ways of looking at the world, of the creative spirit. And that exchange draws us closer. PleinAir Magazine publisher Eric Rhoads calls it “finding your tribe.”

Sadly, I learned that we lost one of our tribe shortly before this issue went to press. Margi Lucena, whose work I was honored to feature in the previous issue, died on August 31. Her husband, Dado, broke the news. “She had heart failure … she fought hard, but this time it was too hard for her to hold on.”

Natasha Isenhour, fellow artist and Margi’s “painting bestie for more than 20 years,” shared this lovely tribute: “Margi Lucena was a private person, but her art spoke loud and clear. She never painted a ‘thing.’ Instead, she gave you a load of emotion you could feel in your bones. That is a gift, people, and not one that can be learned.”

My gift to you is another look at San Lorenzo, one of Margi’s paintings that touched me most from her recent feature. To all who knew her and to those who simply admired her work, I offer my deepest condolences.

Margi Lucena, "San Lorenzo," pastel painting
Margi Lucena, “San Lorenzo,” 2022, pastel, 12 x 24 in., available from Wilder Nightingale Fine Art, plein air and studio
PleinAir Magazine
PleinAir Magazine, October/November 2022; art by Larry DeGraff (Click here to buy the digital version now)

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