A child painting en plein air

We love to hear from the Plein Air Today community! The following is part of a series that spotlights an artist who loves painting outdoors. Today’s feature is on Jason Saunders.

“Escaping the cold weather in Tennessee has become a yearly ritual for my wife and me,” said Jason Saunders. “A young lady and her parents came out to watch the sunset in a popular park, Sombrero Beach Park, on Marathon Key. I noticed her watching me finish up this little sunset painting more intensely than the average passerby. After speaking to her parents, I asked her if she liked to paint, and she enthusiastically said she loves painting. So, I asked her to finish it up for me. Without hesitation and with complete confidence she added a few strokes. She saved it. 😉”

Do you have a plein air story to share with the community? Email us at [email protected] with three to five images and captions, and a few paragraphs about your funny, inspirational, educational, or extreme plein air adventures!

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