PleinAir Podcast guest Mark Boedges -
Landscape painter Mark Boedges, featured in the PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads, Episode 148

In this week’s PleinAir Podcast, Eric Rhoads interviews landscape painter Mark Boedges, who explains why he tends to avoid greens even though they show up in his landscape paintings.

Listen as Mark Boedges also shares the following:
• The turning point when he quit his day job and became a full-time artist
• How he moved through comparing his landscapes to others, and came to appreciate his own style
• The importance of using a color chart, including an antidote about Richard Schmid and his color chart
• The one shade of green that he has at least temporarily removed from his palette
• How to create “suggestions of reality” in your next landscape painting

Bonus: This week’s PleinAir Podcast includes a Marketing Minute!
Eric Rhoads, author of Make More Money Selling Your Art, explains:
• How to handle rejection, and the positive side of this fact of living a creative life
• How to be prepared to come up with a price on the spot when you sell a plein air painting off the easel

Listen to the PleinAir Podcast with Eric Rhoads and Mark Boedges here:

Related Links:
• Website of Mark Boedges:
• Mark’s color charts and tips for making them:
• Plein Air Convention & Expo:
• Sunday Coffee with Eric:

Ask Your Marketing Minute Question! We invite you to email us at [email protected] ask a question for an upcoming Marketing Minute segment.
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  1. I have listened to three of your podcasts and am enjoying them. Thank you. I would like to see examples of the color charts to which Mark Boedges referred. Where can this concept be seen? I use watercolor, so I’d like to see examples of watercolor color charts too.

  2. Now this one… is the best one! Thank you so much for this and a big thank you to Mark Boedges! Great inspiration for me.


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