PleinAir Salon Winners Announced in New Categories


In order to recognize talented artists painting particular subjects and working outdoors, the categories in the 2013/2014 PleinAir magazine Salon Competition ( have been expanded. Now there are prizes for paintings of water, still lifes, buildings, nocturnes, florals, and landscapes. Another category is reserved for paintings created exclusively out of doors. The first group of winners for April/May, including the three overall winners, were recently selected by Dr. J. Mark Sublette, the founder of Medicine Man Gallery in Tucson and Santa Fe.

Dr. Sublette selected Patricia Bellerose’s 16 x 20-in. painting, “Roxane au Jardin,” as the overall winner and also the top award winner in the floral category; Ned Mueller’s 11 x 14-in. oil painting, “Gloucester Harbor,” as the second overall winner and the top painting in the water category; and Logan Maxwell Hagege’s 50 x 50-in. painting, “Cloud Shadows on the Wall,” as the third place overall winner as well as the best landscape painting. Becky Parrish’s 33 x 28-in. oil painting, “Old Chair IV,” won the award for outdoor still life; “Sea at Low Tide,” by Jim McVicker, oil, 16 x 14 in was picked as the best plein air entry; James Richards won the award for a painting of buildings with his 20 x 24-in. “Whatcha Lookin’ At?” Jason Sacran’s 12 x 16-in. painting, “Full Moon Night,” was picked by the judge as the best nocturne.

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