Mark Fehlman, "Oncoming Storm," 2014, oil, 16 x 20 in. Private Collection

This Southern California oil painter seeks out and composes paintings with strong dark-light patters, but what happens next is a reflection of his soul.

Mark Fehlman worked for years as an architect, designing striking cinema complexes, among other things.  “In architecture, everything is planned, and then you execute,” he says.  Once he gets past the framework—the bones—of a painting or a blueprint, Fehlman’s personality shines through.  In his fine art, this means an abundance of color, even in deep shadows.

Speaking with Fehlman, he comes across as calm and pragmatic, but also buoyed by a durable optimism.  So why wouldn’t he see beautiful color in the darkest shadows? “If people start looking for color in the shadow, they see it,” he says simply.  “I think that if you stop and look, and compare things and know what you are looking for, you get a lot more out of your viewing. . .”

This is an excerpt from “Seeing Colors and Life in the Shadows“. Find the full article in the April / May 2017 Edition of PleinAir Magazine.

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