Still Stirring in the September Salon


Kathie Odom has revealed her selections for the winners in the September 2024 PleinAir Salon. Scroll down to see the winning paintings and read Kathie’s comments on her top picks.

PleinAir Salon Winners Preview:

1st Place Overall: “Still Stirring (At 93)”

PleinAir Salon - Susan Patton, “Still Stirring (At 93),” Oil, 14x11 in.
Susan Patton, “Still Stirring (At 93),” Oil, 14×11 in.

“The story is front and center on this special painting,” Kathie said. “The idea is so out-of-the-box, even though this is everyday life for some. The best of edges, shapes, value, composition, movement… all there!! I love, love, love this painting!”

2nd Place Overall: “The Matriarch”

PleinAir Salon - Paul Kratter, “The Matriarch,” Oil, 16x20 in.
Paul Kratter, “The Matriarch,” Oil, 16×20 in.

“For a long time I’ve been trying to learn more about color change within the same value. This painting is a master course in that very thing! Shapes that are abstract working to make a realistic appeal plus a great lesson in hard and soft edges. And somehow, there is great emotion in this big mother.”

3rd Place Overall: “Asbury Park”

PleinAir Salon - Joe Gyurcsak, “Asbury Park,” Gouache, 6x12 in.
Joe Gyurcsak, “Asbury Park,” Gouache, 6×12 in.

“This little 6×12-inch jewel is action-packed. How the foreground goes from a really warm/dark value and transitions into a cool/soft-edged distance, well, it’s breathtaking. I especially love the true rendering of the figures… there’s a party going on!”

Winners in the Plein Air Categories:

Best Plein Air Landscape: Barbara Tapp, “Welcome to the Neighborhood,” Watercolor, 13x18 in.
Best Plein Air Landscape: Barbara Tapp, “Welcome to the Neighborhood,” Watercolor, 13×18 in.
Best Plein Air Acrylic & Gouache: Poppy Balser (Canada), “Evening Light on Water and Stone,” Gouache, 8x10 in.
Best Plein Air Acrylic & Gouache: Poppy Balser (Canada), “Evening Light on Water and Stone,” Gouache, 8×10 in.
Best Plein Air Oil: Kent Brewer, “Copper Awning,“ Oil, 12x9 in.
Best Plein Air Oil: Kent Brewer, “Copper Awning,“ Oil, 12×9 in.
Best Plein Air Pastel: Lon Brauer, “Sunrise,” Pastel, 12x16 in.
Best Plein Air Pastel: Lon Brauer, “Sunrise,” Pastel, 12×16 in.
Best Plein Air Watercolor: Thomas Bucci, “Colonial Gold,” Watercolor, 14x21 in.
Best Plein Air Watercolor: Thomas Bucci, “Colonial Gold,” Watercolor, 14×21 in.

Enter the PleinAir® Salon Today

All winners will be entered into the judging for the annual cash prizes, including the Grand Prize of $15,000 and their painting on the cover of PleinAir® Magazine. Could you be the next winner?

The next round of the PleinAir Salon has begun so hurry, as this competition ends on the last day of the month. See the rest of this month’s winners and enter your best art in the PleinAir Salon here.

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