Publisher Eric Rhoads welcomed his campers with sunshine, hugs, and smiles

Nearly 100 artists have gathered with Publisher Eric Rhoads this week at Paul Smith College near the Canadian border for family, friendship, and a week-long plein air painting extravaganza.

Despite some patchy rain, a robust group of plein air enthusiasts are living it large in New York this week during the annual Publisher’s Invitational in the Adirondack Mountains.  Hosted at Paul Smith College in Paul Smith, New York, these artists are enjoying not only spectacular views, but cocktails, gourmet dinners, critiques, lectures, and tons of camaraderie.

Publisher Eric Rhoads painting in the Adirondacks
Artists at work in the Aidrondacks
Almost any scene you can imagine is at your fingertips

Like the PleinAir Convention & Expo, the Publisher’s invitational is much more than a chance to paint one of the most beautiful regions of the United States; it’s a unique opportunity to learn, grow, and bond with the plein air family.  Last year, over 800 paintings were created during the week, which makes for lots of critique.

We’ll have a recap straight from New York in next week’s newsletter.  For now, consider attending this event next year.  Registration will open soon and spots fill quickly! No exhibitions, no workshops, no pressure!

To learn more, visit here.


  1. I enjoyed the articles, especially on the Adirondacks. Also, I enjoyed reading about Poppy painting at the Bay of Fundy. I met Poppy at PACE2017 and have been to the Bay of Fundy. So beautiful.


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