Learn about a 2023 art retreat for plein air painters
When was the last time you were able to spend a week simply painting en plein air? A year or two ago? Maybe never? June 10-17, 2023, a group of about 100 painters will join Eric Rhoads for the annual Paint Adirondacks Publisher’s Invitational, and you could be there. (Note that you don’t have to have an invitation for this art retreat – this is it!)
Here’s what one artist had to say about the Paint Adirondacks art retreat:
“I live only an hour away from Paul Smith’s College and the Publisher’s Invitational,” said David Crowell. “Despite it being virtually in my backyard, I attend every year. It is an event I look forward to with great anticipation.
“It gives me a week of solid, uninterrupted painting time. No wife, kids, pets, friends saying ‘Are you done yet?’ No nagging chore list that I really ought to be working on instead of painting. Just painting in some of the most beautiful scenery around.
“In addition to the painting, there is the camaraderie of a community of artists. I have many friends that I see once a year at paint camp. It is a great week of seeing old friends and making new ones. It is also the one time of year when I really get to talk art and painting with other painters. People who really get it.
“There is also a lot to be learned from painting with other painters. Observe how they tackle the same painting challenges you are facing. Pick up new techniques and new tips. In a casual atmosphere with no demonstrations, no hierarchy, and no drama.”
If this year’s Paint Adirondacks isn’t in the cards for you, check out Fall Color Week and the newly announced major event, PleinAir Japan. See you there!
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