There are some challenges that all plein air artists come across while in the field. Weather is probably the most universal and comes in at number one, followed by sometimes curious, sometimes dangerous, and sometimes apparently hungry cows.
Okay, maybe cows aren’t second on the list, but as the Plein Air Today editor, I’ve seen that it’s a common enough occurrence to make it worthy of a just-for-fun round-up. Enjoy the following collection of artist-submitted cow encounters. Tag us on Instagram @PleinAirMag to share yours, or tell us about your experiences in the comments below.
Of course, remember to stay safe while painting near any animals – we don’t want to have to run a “when animals attack” story!
When we invited artists to share their cow encounters, we saw a few bonus animals come through as well, and I couldn’t deny these cuties a spot! Enjoy these extra plein air furry friends!
Remember to tag us on Instagram @PleinAirMag to share your photos, or tell us about your experiences in the comments below!