photo of artist taking selfie with painting
Justin Vining plein air painting

How do you find inspiration?
Justin Vining: I have lived as a full-time painter for nearly 13 years. Initially a studio painter, I transitioned to plein air painting in 2014 to reconnect with the fundamental concept of painting from observation. Little did I know then that I would become addicted to it. Now, 95% of my work is painted on location. I find inspiration in painting my life—whenever, wherever, however I find the time to get outside and paint. As my wife and I traveled and started a family, our home gradually filled with these meaningful paintings. I have found purpose in capturing these small moments of life and am constantly fueled by others who find inspiration in them too.

Many of my recent paintings depict my neighborhood, particularly a nearby stream that I’ve been painting often this winter. Even on days with zero-degree temperatures and negative wind chills, I’ve been outside capturing these scenes.

To see more of Justin’s work, visit:

oil painting of river creek in winter
“Pleasant run creek,” Justin Vining, 12 x 9 in., oil, 2024
oil painting of river creek in winter
“Pleasant run creek in Ellenberger,” Justin Vining, 16 x 20 in., oil, 2024


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