Plein Air Paintings of Trees > English poet and painter William Blake wrote, “The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way … to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.” Here, we share unique views of trees, shrubs, and foliage that have sparked our imagination and are sure to bring joy to all who experience them.
Paul Kratter knows that when you’re painting trees, you’re really painting a portrait of that tree. Each tree is different … each has its own features and personality. And let’s face it, the trees have to be right or it can throw the whole painting off — the proportion, light, shadow, sky holes … it all has to be believable. And trees are a great compositional tool if you know how to use them to make your painting stronger. Learn more and preview Paul’s “Mastering Trees” art workshop here.