More than $75,000 worth of paintings sold during the 8th annual Winter Park Paint Out last week.
The event, which is run by the Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Garden, drew 25 artists who painted more than 250 pieces during seven days. The emphasis is not on awards — only one is given, an Artists’ Choice — but artists from as far as Rhode Island travel to Florida each spring to participate.

Collectors peruse the paintings from the Winter Park Paint Out

Artists’ Choice is given to the best body of work, and the winner gets a half-page ad in PleinAir magazine. This year, local painter Don Sondag won the award.
Another honor given at the Winter Park Paint Out is selection of an image to grace the posters for the next year’s event. Florida painter Manon Sander’s piece depicting Knowles Chapel on the campus of nearby Rollins College was chosen.

Don Sondag won Artists’ Choice, the only actual award given at the event.

“One star of this year’s Paint Out, however, wasn’t an artist,” a museum representative said in a statement. “It was the historic Capen-Showalter House saved from demolition by the Polasek Foundation in 2013. This 131-year-old Winter Park landmark was cut in half, then floated on barges across Lake Osceola to its new home on the Polasek grounds. Restoration and reconstruction work was completed on the house in late 2015, allowing everyone to enjoy the lakefront house during the 2016 Paint Out.”
For more information, go here


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