“Comfort Zone”
12 x 12 in.
Will Maller, a signature member of International Plein Air Painters, was named “2010 Paint the Parks National Grand Prize Winner” as well as a Finalist in Southwest Art Magazine’s top “21 Artists Over 31.” Will is a member of the Los Gatos Museum Gallery. He began his studies at Walker Art Center in Minneapolis and earned his BA in Art with graduate work at the University of Minnesota. He recently had his work featured in Plein Air Southwest Salon 2012 and 2014. 2013 saw him painting in the Carmel, Los Gatos and Telluride Juried Plein Air Events. In 2014 he will paint en plein air in Los Gatos, Telluride and Aspen. He is currently showing in the Outdoor Painters of America National Show in Dallas, Texas. His works are in galleries in Los Gatos, Walnut Creek, and Maui. Will says his art was “first a way of getting into trouble, then a way of staying out of trouble, then just a natural part of who I am.”