En Plein Air Texas - Suzie Baker
Plein air painter Suzie Baker, last year's Grand Prize Winner at En Plein Air Texas

2023 En Plein Air Texas: In the 1920s artists gathered on the clear spring waters of the Concho River, never dreaming today we’d be doing the same!

More from the organizers:

En Plein Air Texas is celebrating 10 years of capturing the authentic West with artists painting on iconic private ranches and the eclectic downtown of San Angelo along that same Concho River.

Happening Now:
En Plein Air Texas
Dates: October 20-28, 2023
Opening Reception: October 27 (Buy your ticket now for a catered lunch at the historic Cactus Hotel while learning more about an artist’s creative process on Friday, October 27th. Enjoy an informative talk with Suzie Baker, last year’s Grand Prize Winner, as she helps us understand why we love our favorite paintings so much!)
Sponsoring Organization: San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts
Venue: Fort Concho National Historic Landmark in San Angelo
Format: Juried
Juror: Kathryn Mapes Turner
Awards Judge: Michael Grauer
Award Total: $30,000

2023 En Plein Air Texas Competition Artists

Hector Acuna – Harsh Agrawal – Kirsten Anderson – Suzie Baker – Carla Bosch – Lon Brauer – Kent Brewer – Debbie Carroll – Michael Compton – David Diaz – Katie Dobson-Cundiff – Vlad Duchev – Alex Eisenzopf – Bill Farnsworth – Orville Giguiento – Palden Hamilton – Qiang Huang – Neal Hughes – Charlie Hunter – Rajendra KC – Shelby Keefe – Farley Lewis – Carolyn Lindsey – Elizabeth Osborne – Antwan Ramar – Julie Sanderson – David Savellano – Michael Situ – Richard Sneary – Jeff Steiner – Gary Tucker – Richie Vios – Durre Waseem – Stewart White – Yong Hong Zhong

Website: www.enpleinairtexas.com/index.php

Become a better outdoor painter today when you get the FREE e-Book for artists, “240 Plein Air Painting Tips.” [click here]

And browse more free articles here at OutdoorPainter.com


  1. I have obligated myself to Hopkins County Art Fair for 10/27 & 10/28, to enter 10 paintings & paid to set up to sell other paintings those 2 days. I would love to be there, but I reserved this over 2 months ago.


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