Plein air art humor

Plein Air Art Humor > Just for fun! Use predictive text to finish the sentence, and then share your answer with us by commenting below, or use the following tags!

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  1. I wish I could share this screenshot! Google gives me three options and all them seem completely relevant! I’m a plein air painter and that is why: “I succeed”/”I Fail”/”We drink” !!! HA!

  2. I am a Plein Air Painter and that is why all of nature comes out to greet me: the insects, the rain, the wind, the hail, and a moose or two…

  3. “I am a plein air painter and that’s why I get to have paint dates with my friends and make new friends too!”

  4. I am a plein air painter because what could be better than sharing the gifts that nature has provided which nurtures my soul.


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