Painting en plein air -
Debra Latham, "The Good Life," 2018, oil, 12 x 12 in., Collection the artist, Plein air

In this series, Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of PleinAir Magazine, shares a favorite painting from a previous issue.

Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: “The Good Life”

“I used to think thumbnail sketches were such a waste of time, but one day a friend convinced me to make some. In about five or 10 minutes, I had worked out all the compositional issues of the painting in my sketchbook. I saw how much time they actually saved me. … And I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my plein air paintings since I’ve made them part of my process.”
— Debra Latham, “Making Connections” (August-September 2018 PleinAir Magazine)

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