
Katie Dobson Cundiff and her painting at last year’s Light Chasers paint-out

More than 400 artists participate in the Light Chasers group, a plein air association that includes among its ranks Morgan Samuel Price, Bill Farnsworth, Hodges Soileau, Mary Erickson, and Katie Dobson Cundiff. Selections from the group will be on view at an event that will also include pieces from the 2nd Annual Paint Sarasota! Artists Paint Paradise! Paint Out.

Joe Palmerio paints a demo at a previous Light Chasers event

Participants in the Sarasota paint-out are starting now and painting until Thursday, January 30 at noon for the event, which will have its opening on Friday, January 31 at the HuB in downtown Sarasota, Florida. The competition will be juried by Morgan Samuel Price. A painting by Hodges Soileau will be raffled off at the gala opening. For more information on the Light Chasers’ annual show and the paint-out show, visit the HuB’s website.


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