The 2024 EnPleinAirTEXAS Painted Ranches Fellowship came to a close recently with the Toast of the Night dinner, live music, dancing, and auction.
“EnPleinAirTEXAS, a program of the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, has been taking West Texas by storm since 2014,” said the organizers. “This year, the museum launched a residence fellowship instead of a juried competition. The inaugural Painted Ranches Fellowship artists, Susie Baker, Liz Boham, Carla Bosch, and Katie Dobson Cundiff, spent three weeks living at a ranch, painting the scenery, taking time to absorb, develop ideas, and grow as artists. The artists finished this year’s events with a program for local high school art students, a paint out with area artists, and a very successful weekend of art sales.”
Learn more about this organization at