Plein air watercolor
Tim Oliver, “Konriko Rice Mill,” 2019, watercolor, 12 x 12 in., Collection the artist, Plein air

In this weekly series Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of Plein Air Magazine, shares a favorite painting from the current issue.

Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: Konriko Rice Mill

“I’m not a real patient painter, so I prefer to finish on site. That impatience probably explains why I like watercolors, which are so immediate. You get what you get and you go home. …Most of my plein air work is completed start to finish in the field. I may just do a little tweaking here or there after I’ve let the piece sit in my studio and looked at it for a day or two. Joseph Zbukvic calls it the French polish — fixing the little things you didn’t see when you were on location.” ~Tim Oliver, “Watercolors With a Western Flair”
PleinAir Magazine, June/July 2019

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