Don’t let the small bills fool you — Steve Pfenninger is holding about $500 in cash in this photo, the purse for the Quick Draw, and more than $12,000 will be awarded overall during First Brush of Spring.

Have you seen New Harmony, Indiana? If not, consider visiting April 19-22 for the First Brush of Spring plein air event.

This is the 19th year for the event, which boasts more than $12,000 in prizes. One of the most popular parts of First Brush of Spring is its Field to Finish competition, in which artists who painted a study in the previous year’s event submit studio paintings based on the plein air study. A Quick Draw will be held on April 20. A workshop after the event sponsored by the Hoosier Salon boasts some big names — C.W. Mundy, Carolyn Anderson, Daniel Gerhartz, Elizabeth Robbins, John Michael Carter, Laura Robb, and Marc Hanson.

The event is sponsored by the Hoosier Salon and the Indiana Plein Air Painters Association. Bob Beck will serve as judge for 2017. For more information, go here.


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